Things to know

Before you Go

things to do
Before Arriving

Check waiver portal

Ensure every child and every Adult Chaperon have completed a waiver. 

(Anyone not in your portal must sit in lobby for the duration of your event.)

submit certificate of tax exemption

Confirm that Lava Island has received a copy of your Certification of Tax Exemption.

(You will be charged tax if we do not have your certificate on file.)

confirm with bus driver

Ensure the Bus Driver knows that the bus can unload at door and the park in rear. 

(Your driver is welcome to check-in for no charge and wait.)

things to do


Review Rule Summary Page with Child Participants and Adult Chaperons. 

(This can be done before leaving the bus or in the check-in area in the lobby.)


Ensure participants do not bring food, candy, or gum into Lava Island. 

(You can bring a case of bottled water or a drinking fountain is available.)


Ensure all participants are wearing socks, arrange to purchase socks for anyone with bare feet. 

(A charge of $3.00 will be added for each pair of socks.)

Rules for Active Play

1. Download the PDF
2. Distribute to your Staff (Group Event Chaperones)
3. Review with children before arriving at Lava Island
4. Ensure children understand and follow all posted rules
things to do
the Event

Enforce RULES

Ensure Adult Chaperones help Child Participants understand and follow all posted rules. 

(Ask Lava Island team member if you have any questions or concerns.) 


Child Participants and Adult Chaperones can purchase food or drinks from the Cafe onsite. 

(All food and beverages must remain at the tables and should not be taken into the activity areas.)

make payment

Coordinate payment before leaving. Payment is due in full on the day of your Group Event. Lava Island does not accept checks.

(A credit card is required for payment.)